13.07.2007 | 07:07

33rd WSAVA Congress

August 20-24, 2008 - Dublin, Ireland

The Veterinary Ireland Companion Animal Society - VICAS will host the world's companion animal veterinarians to the 33rd WSAVA Congress and 14th European, FECAVA Congress in 2008 in Dublin, Ireland.
VICAS welcomes all our international friends especially our French colleagues to Ireland. Ireland has a population of 4 million of which 2,000 are veterinarians. VICAS is a growing organisation with over 400 members. We wish to take this opportunity to invite all our overseas colleagues to an exceptional Congress.
The Congress will have a distinctive Irish flavour making your stay in Ireland a valuable and informative experience. The social programme promises to give you a chance to enjoy our legendary Irish hospitality!! Enjoy a holiday with your family in Ireland in sunny August.

Scientific Programme
The 2008 WSAVA/FECAVA Congress will be held in the Royal Dublin Society Convention and Exhibition Centre. The RDS founded in 1731 to promote the development of agriculture, arts, science and industry. It is fitting that a Veterinary Congress promoting the advancement of veterinary medicine, veterinary nursing and veterinary management should be held here. The Congress aims to cater for veterinarians from three areas: (i) those who are primarily in small animal practice, (ii) specialists (iii) and veterinarians who have a rural background with an increasing small animal case load.
Topics for lectures will be current and will be divided into three streams, Refresher, 100% Small Animal Practice and Specialist. We will explore interesting subjects in the areas of Canine and Feline Medicine and Surgery, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Neurology, Exotics, Oncology, Infectious Diseases and Animal Behaviour and Welfare. There will be a day of surgery presented by well known French lecturers.
There will also be a full program devoted to Management topics such as Stress and the Vet, Human Resource Management, Worklife Balance, current international concepts on Vet Nurses working in Practice, Starting a Small Animal Practice, Entrepreneurship and Marketing.
FECAVA Symposium
The FECAVA Symposium will take a brave step and look at why the Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing professions have such a high incidence of stress and suicide and what can be done to prevent this.
Veterinary Nursing Conference
On Saturday and Sunday, Veterinary Nurses can attend a conference which will be practical as well as informative for the backbone of every small animal practice. There will be "How To Sessions", sessions on Marketing, ideas on what to do to grow the practice, Refresher courses that would also interest trainees studying for exams and much more.
Register your Interest
Contact Information
WSAVA 2008 Congress Secretariat
Ovation Group
1 Clarinda Park North
Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 280 2641
Fax: +353 1 280 5405

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