06.12.2007 | 06:12

Small Animal Arthroscopy Basic Wet Labs 2008

Jan. 18-19, 2008 and Jan. 25-26, 2008

International basic wet labs for small animal veterinarians. Two-day course with several wet labs.
Basic course: No prior knowledge required. The objective of this course is to become familiar with the instrumentation for small animal arthroscopy. The techniques for elbow and shoulder arthroscopy are demonstrated and practiced intensively during several wet labs.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Medical Imaging, Ghent University, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium.
Luc Verschuere

Arthroscopic Equipment
- Arthroscope 2.4 mm, for elbow arthroscopy
- Arthroscope 2.7 mm, for shoulder and stifle arthroscopy. Also applicable for rhinoscopy and cystoscopy
- Several hand instruments: 2 mm and 2.7 mm grasper, hand burr, cannula system
- Camera and shaver

All arthroscopic equipment is supplied by Endoscopy Wolf
Registration will be confirmed when payment is received. Cancellation of registration and reimbursement of registration fee will be made up to 3 weeks before the course. No reimbursement will be made after this date.
All inclusive (two nights hotel accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner on Friday night, teaching DVD) 1700 Euros.
Without hotel (lunch, dinner on Friday night, teaching DVD included) 1500 Euros.
Instructions for payment will be sent following receipt of your registration to http://www.ivis.org/ftp/arthro08.pdf

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