06.12.2007 | 06:12

Dutch Oncology Conference 2008

Gastro-intestinal tumours in cats and dogs.
February 9-10, 2008, Soesterberg, The Netherlands.

Registration is open!!
If you are interested in the treatment of veterinary cancer patients, this is the conference to attend!! For the third year in a row, the Collaborative Veterinary Cancer Centres, SDK, in The Netherlands and Belgium will organise a high-quality veterinary Oncology Conference.
Each year, the program is set up to cover all oncological aspects, including surgical oncology, medical oncology and diagnostics of one specific topic. This year all aspects of Gastro-intestinal Tumours will be covered by leading specialists:
- Prof. Dr. David Argyle (UK) (Medical Oncology)
- Prof. Dr. Paolo Buracco (IT) (Surgical Oncology)
- Prof. Dr. Dominique Penninck (USA) (Medical Imaging)
- Dr. Malcolm Brearley (UK) (Medical Oncology)
- Dr. Evert van Garderen (NL) (Pathology)
- Prof. Dr. Hans Nortier (NL), Keynote lecture on the aspects of colorectal tumours in humans.

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