08.08.2007 | 10:08

AAEP Equine Veterinary Wet Labs

Sep. 13-14, 2007 - Lexington, KY

The AAEP is proud to present Equine Veterinary Wet Labs 2007 (http://www.aaep.org/wet_lab.htm). This hands-on event is designed to deliver the ultimate CE learning experience featuring small-group settings and leading instructors from equine practice. The wet labs will be held as a stand-alone continuing education meeting at the world-renowned Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY. Wet labs are only open to veterinarians, except the dentistry lab, which will allow licensed veterinary technicians to attend with their employing veterinarian. Beginning Aug. 6, any remaining spots in this lab will open up to technicians.
The hands-on labs will feature sessions in:
Equine Dentistry - Instructors: Drs. Lynn Caldwell, Elizabeth Schilling, Marty Langhofer, BA Rucker, Dick Vetter, Bob Baratt, Ed Earley, Steve Galloway and Sarah Pulchaski.
Equine Musculoskeletal Ultrasounography - Instructors: Drs. Johanna Reimer, Katie Garrett, Mary Beth Whitcomb, Kate Chope, Rich Redding and David Schmitz.
Joint/Perineural Anesthesia - Instructors: Drs. David Frisbie, Shane Miller and Brad Jackman.

Dental Radiology – Case Reviews - This discussion is open to all wet lab attendees free of charge. The Dental Radiology - Case Reviews will take place immediately following the opening reception. Attendees are being encouraged to bring cases for discussion. If you would like to participate, please bring radiographs and other pertinent information such as history, photographs, etc., in a digitized format such as a CD or USB memory stick. Each case discussion will be limited to 10 minutes.
Each of these courses has been submitted, but not yet approved for continuing education credits. All scheduled instructors are tentative and subject to change.

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