17.05.2007 | 07:05

IFAH-Europe - 2007 Conference on Veterinary medicines regulation

Is Europe still at the cutting edge of innovation?
Brussels on 6 June 2007

This year’s topic, better regulation, is an exciting and challenging one and the event will examine the relationship between regulation and competitiveness in the animal health sector in line with the recent initiative by the European Union on better regulation.
Over the last decade IFAH-Europe and its members have been examining regulation for veterinary medicines and competitiveness in the context of benchmarking studies of regulatory practices. The 2007 conference will feature various aspects of better regulation and IFAH-Europe will present the outcome of the 2006 benchmarking study as well as proposals to reform the current regulatory framework to enable innovation.
The conference will gather experts from public authorities and the private sector to exchange views on better regulation for the animal health industry. Speakers will include representatives from the animal health industry, EU institutions and national authorities.
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Keynote speaker: Eric Marin,
DG Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Opening session
 Introduction and welcome
Brian Clark, IFAH-Europe Chair
 Better regulation in the European Union
Jens Nymand-Christensen, Director for better regulation and institutional affairs, Secretariat General, European Commission
Session 1: Innovation and Impediments in the European animal health industry – a benchmarking study
Chaired by Neil Parish MEP, Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, European Parliament
 Results of the benchmarking study
Declan O’Brien, IFAH-Europe Managing Director
 US experience of better regulation
Michael J. McGowan, Animal Health Institute (USA)
 Comments from an EU perspective
Martin Terberger, Head of Unit, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
Session 2: Improving the regulatory framework
Chaired by Carlos Agrela Pinheiro, Chief Veterinary Officer (Portugal)
 Reform proposals
Neil Craven, IFAH-Europe
 Comments from a European perspective
Steve Dean, Veterinary Medicines Directorate (UK)
 Closing words
Declan O’Brien, IFAH-Europe Managing Director
Parallel workshops
 Workshop 1: Data protection as a means to foster innovation
 Workshop 2: Single European reference product evaluation – multiple national authorisations?
 Workshop 3: Applying better regulation to the veterinary medicines sector
 Workshop 4: Veterinary pharmaceutical legislation – what have been the lessons of the pharma review 2001?
Presentation of workshop conclusions & recommendations
The conference will be held in English.
For further information on the conference please contact Myriam Alcain at IFAH-Europe (e‑mail: m.alcain@ifahsec.org - phone: +32 (0)2 543 7564)

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