10.11.2010 | 08:11

Conference ‘greening’ the European Agricultural Policy

12-16 November, Wommels (the Netherlands)

Wommels (the Netherlands), November 9, 2010 – From 12-16 November about 100 stakeholders from over 30 countries will gather in order to discuss ideas for further greening of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). They will particularly elaborate on the specific “greening” needs of the New Member States and countries aspiring to EU membership, and analyse obstacles these countries encounter in implementing the CAP. During these days an international conference and a meeting of network organisations will be held in Bled, Slovenia.

Opening by high policy makers from the Slovenian ministries

On Friday 12 November Dr Peter Gašperšič, Slovenian State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Dr Ladislav Miko, Director for Nature of DG Environment and a high level representative of the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture will welcome approximately 100 international guests. Furthermore respected experts from various countries will give their vision on the topic during presentations and workshops.

Gap between Old and New Member States
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) from the European Union was originally developed for the current Member States and has been adjusted and improved ever since. But there still seems to be a gap between what is applicable for both New and Old Member States. This is not surprising because New Member States have other backgrounds; their agricultural production methods, economic development, administrative practices, environmental issues and technical methods often differ from the ones in the Old Member States and this poses increased challenges to the New Member States to implement the CAP.

Real needs of New Member States
By organising this conference, Avalon (an international foundation based in the Netherlands promoting organic farming and sustainable agriculture), aims to assist the various stakeholders in answering the following question: How can we improve the existing effort to ‘green’ the CAP and adjust it to the real needs of the New Member States and non-EU countries aspiring to EU membership? The issue will be discussed and analysed with relevant GO’s, NGO’s, academia, businesses and other representatives from the Old and New Member States, as well as countries aspiring to EU membership.

Network meeting
At the end of the conference the various conclusions and insights will be further discussed on 15 and 16 November in the Network Meeting especially held for the 180 member organisations of Avalon. The participating Network Members will collaborate to develop practical tools to help putting the greening of the CAP on the agenda of policymakers.

The organisation of these events is financially supported by the European Commission (DG Environment, Life +).


More information on speakers or programme can be found at: www.avalon.nl or contact Martien Lankester, executive director of Avalon via phonenumber: 00 31 622 517 356.

Kind regards,
Linda Huisman
Communications & P.R.
P.O. Box 14

NL-8730 AA Wommels
the Netherlands
phone + 31(0)515 331 955
fax + 31(0)515 331 980
email linda.huisman@avalon.nl
website www.avalon.nl

Avalon promotes organic farming & agri-environmental programmes.

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