01.04.2008 | 07:04

First World Veterinary Equestrian Show Jumping Cup

Lure (France), July 3-6, 2008.

Lure, March 2008 – You’re a show-jumping vet? Here’s your chance to participate this summer in the first-ever international veterinary-only riders competition – in the beautiful region of Lure at the foot of the Vosges in France!

The French association of veterinary riders (AFVC) invites all veterinary riders to contend for the First World Veterinary Equestrian Show Jumping Cup, to be held in Lure (France) from July 3 to 6, 2008. The event is open to all qualified veterinarians and veterinary students, who may participate with or without their own horse.

The event will include four show-jumping competitions (one per day), while the social programme consists of a Gala evening (Friday), a Dinner-dance (Saturday, sponsored by Merial) and a Sunday lunch (major sponsor of the event: Equistro / Vétoquinol).

The veterinary show-jumping event will coincide with France’s 6th Grand National show-jumping competition, also held in Lure.

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