20.03.2007 | 08:03

Vakcinace - prostředek pro kontrolu aviární influenzy

Mezinárodní konference proběhne od 20 do 22. 3. 2007 v italské Veroně.

Mezinárodní konference je pořádána a sponzorována Evropskou komisí.
Přednášky na této konferenci budou zaměřeny na:
The importance of regional coordination for
AI control (A. Laddomada)
Update on the global AI situation (K. Benjebara)
Disease intelligence in HPAI (J. Domenech)
Global perspective on HPAI control strategies (J. Lubroth) International guidelines on AI vaccination (C. Bruschke)
AI control experiences in Europe, Russia and Middle East: a regional summary (I. Brown)
AI control experiences in Asia: a regional summary (L. Sims)
AI control experiences in Africa: regional summary (B. Seck)
AI control experiences in the Americas: a regional summary (C. Villarreal)
Economic issues of AI vaccination in developing countries (A. McLeod)
Challenges and constraints of vaccination in developing countries (R. Alders)
Needs assessment for the use of vaccination (M. Weijtens) Risk modelling regarding vaccination (M. Wooldridge)
The planning and executing of a vaccination campaign (S. Marangon)
Current availability of vaccines including vaccines banks (P. Jones)
Vaccination as a tool to preserve poultry genetic resources (I. Hoffman)
Current developments in AI vaccines including food safety aspects in vaccinated birds (D. Swayne)
Efficacy of vaccination in different poultry species (G. Koch)
Diagnosing avian influenza infections in vaccinated populations using DIVA systems (I. Capua)
Field trials with chimera vaccine (R. Wei)
The legal basis for vaccination (M. Pittman)
The legal basis for vaccination (L. Elsken)
Vaccination and compensation (C. Delgado)
Pilot vaccination strategy: an integrated approach in Indonesia between the human health, the veterinary and the private sector (E. Sawitri)
AI control, a vaccination approach in Vietnam (TBC)

Bližší informace najdete na: http://www.avianfluvaccine2007.org/programme.htm

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