16.06.2005 | 08:06

WSAVA Monthly NEWs - June, 2005

WSAVA/FIAVAC /AMMVEPE 2005 Congress Highlights
Between May 11 – 14, 2005, approximately 2,800 delegates representing 71 countries came together with 80 exhibitors to enjoy the exceptional continuing education (CE) and social events of the 30th WSAVA/2nd Iberoamerican FIAVAC /26th AMMVEPE 2005 Congress in Mexico City, Mexico.

The CE program featured 110 speakers lecturing on 26 different disciplines for a total of 252 lectures to choose from, with simultaneous Spanish and English translation. This exceptional CE, which included ophthalmology and critical care pre-congress symposia, 3 State-of-the-Art-Lectures, and workshops on radiosurgery and endoscopy, was complimented by several lively social events. Beginning with the Opening Ceremonies on Wednesday, May 11 attended by dignitaries from the host veterinary associations and the Mexican government, the Congress delegates saw nightly social functions which included a Mexican Night that provided attendees with the sights, sounds, and foods of a true Mexican fiesta, a Gala Dinner at the renowned Ancient Temple and Hospital of San Hipolito, and culminated in the Closing Ceremonies which featured the acclaimed Czech violinist Mr. Jaroslav Sveceny as a prelude to next year’s Congress in Prague, Czech Republic. A special thank you to Congress major sponsor Waltham/Royal Canin for their generous support.
WSAVA Assembly Meeting
WSAVA president Dr. Larry Dee provided assembly members updates from a very active WSAVA leadership, including the Executive Board and various committees. Highlights included:
• The addition of a new Executive Board position to be held by Dr. Luis Tello from Chile. Luis has held a number of positions within the WSAVA leadership including the Chilean representative to WSAVA and co-coordinator (with Dr. Larry Dee) of WSAVA-sponsored CE in South America. Luis brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm that will be invaluable in assisting both the CE and public relations efforts of the WSAVA Executive Board. Luis joins Executive Board members Dr. Larry Dee (President; USA), Anne Sorensen (Honorary Secretary; Denmark), Dr. Gabriel Varga (Immediate Past President; Slovak Republic), Dr. Brian Romberg (President Elect; South Africa), Dr. David Wadsworth (Vice President; UK), and Dr. Terry Lake (Treasurer; Canada).
• The development of a part-time WSAVA staff position. With the expansion of WSAVA-sponsored CE and standardization projects, and the growing number of member associations as well as various other WSAVA initiatives, it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage the day-to-day administrative tasks crucial to association function through volunteer efforts alone. This part-time position will be devoted to facilitating correspondence between the WSAVA and its member associations, maintaining the WSAVA database, and implementing/assisting with the organizational tasks of various WSAVA initiatives.
• Expansion of the WSAVA Standardization Projects to include Renal Standardization. This anticipated 5-year project will focus on glomerular diseases and is currently in the budgeting/sponsorship development phase. It compliments the recently completed Liver Standardization Project, with results to be published in book format by well-known publishing house Elsevier later this year, and the GI Standardization Project which is at its half-way mark. Dr. Claudio Brovida, a Past President of WSAVA, has accepted the role of ongoing Standardization Projects coordinator.
The assembly members voted in favour of accepting 3 new member associations – 2 as full members including the Shanghai Small Animal Veterinary Association (SSAVA) from China and the Asociacion de Medicos Veterinarios de Practica en Pequenos Animales (AMVEPPA) from Peru, as well as the International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) as an affiliated member. As well, Sao Paulo Brazil was chosen as the site for the 2009 WSAVA Congress.
Additionally, Dr. Terry Lake, WSAVA Honorary Treasurer, reported on the WSAVA 2004 financial statements, the approved budget for 2005, and provided a budget proposal for 2006, all of which supported both the financial health and robust activity of the WSAVA. The budget for 2006 was unanimously approved and included the funding for the proposed part-time WSAVA staff member.

2005 WSAVA Award Winners
WSAVA WALTHAM International Award for Scientific Achievement
This award is based on outstanding contributions by a veterinarian who has had a significant impact on the advancement of knowledge concerning the cause, detection, cure and/or control of disorders of companion animals.
Dr. Edward B. Breitschwerdt is world-renowned for his work in internal medicine, in particular in the field of vector-borne diseases. His research has focused on the characterization of spontaneous infectious diseases, identifying their vectors, and isolating and specifically characterizing the causative organisms using gene sequencing. His work has promoted the understanding of the pathophysiology of these diseases, thereby facilitating the establishment of a definitive diagnosis and enabling disease-specific therapy and prevention.

WSAVA WALTHAM International Award for Service to the Profession
The Award is given to a person who has given exemplary service in fostering and enhancing the exchange of scientific and cultural ideas throughout the veterinary small animal world.
Dr. Hans Otto Schmidtke has had a long and illustrious career of service in veterinary medicine since his graduation from the veterinary school in Hanover in 1951, where he served as the Director of the Small Animal Hospital until 1985 and as co-editor of the Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenshcrift from 1985 until 2004. Aside from his academic career, he has been very active in various national and international veterinary associations including the German Veterinary Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, and the WSAVA, serving as President from 1984-1986 and President of the WSAVA Congress in Hamburg in 1984. He also served as a board member for the FKDVG (Fachgruppe Kleintierkrankheiten der Deutsche Veterinarmedizinischen Gesellschaft) and becoming its president from 1969-1970 and again from 1979-1980.

WSAVA Iams Saki Patsaama Award
This award is presented to a clinical researcher for excellence in the field of canine and feline orthopedic medicine and surgery.
Dr. Herman A. W. Hazewinkel is an active member and diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons and the European College of Veterinary Comparative Nutrition. His research interests have focused on the influence of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin D metabolism on skeletal development of Great Danes leading to a better understanding of nutritional influences on growth and skeletal development in dogs in general.

WSAVA Hills Excellence in Veterinary Healthcare Award
This award recognizes the outstanding work of veterinarians in promoting companion animal healthcare and the family pet/veterinary bond through a special sensitivity to both clients and patients using leading edge clinical nutrition and advanced medical and surgery techniques.
Dr. Rebecca Kirby was fundamentally involved in the creation of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, serving on its Board of Regents for many years, and instrumental in the Emergency Service at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania achieving a world-renowned reputation for excellence. Dr. Kirby has been a guiding light in the development and growth of the specialty of emergency medicine – both with regards to principles of triage and therapeutics and attending to the emotions inherent to the human-animal bond that are evoked during the stress of emergency situations.

Future Congresses
Prague, Czech Republic – October 11-14, 2006
Prague will be the host city for the 31st WSAVA/12th FECAVA/14th Czech Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress. Prague, which is the capital city of the Czech Republic, is a beautiful city, rich in heritage and situated on both banks of the Vltava River. Prague is also called the “Golden City” or “City of Hundred Towers” because of its unique architecture and importance as a European crossroad of trade and culture for many centuries. Preparations by Congress President Dr. Jiri Beranek and the Congress Organizing Committee are well underway with both CE opportunities and social events, which will include a Czech Beer Party Night in the famous Prague restaurant Restaurant U Fleku in addition to the traditional Opening and Closing Ceremonies and the Gala Dinner.
Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia – August 19-23, 2007
Dublin, Ireland – August, 2008
Sao Paulo, Brazil – 2009 (Specific date to be determined).

NEWS From Around the World
Microchipping in the News Again
A motion by the Florida Veterinary Medical Association has received additional state VMA support and is calling for the American Veterinary Medical Association to “take an active role in defining, recommending, endorsing, and implementing, a national microchip standard (for companion animals, birds, and equids) in the United States” that would be based on “open technology microchipping systems.” The FVMA and supporting VMAs cite on-going problems with product incompatibility, the inability of microchip manufacturers to resolve this through consensus, successful transition period programs for the implementation of ISO-standard microchip technology in Canada and Europe based on non-encrypted 125 kHz microchip technology, and the fact that the AVMA already has a position statement in favor of the ISO standards as reasons for this initiative. This motion will be debated at the AVMA’s House of Delegates meeting scheduled to take place during the AVMA Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota from July 16-20, 2005.

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