WSAVA/FIAVAC/AMMVEPE 2005 Congress Update
While many of us are busy enjoying or, depending upon when this is being read, reminiscing about knowledge gained and fun had during the WSAVA/FECAVA/HVMS Congress in Rhodes from October 6-9 of this year, preparations are already well underway for the 2005 World Congress to be held in Mexico City, Mexico from May 11-14, 2005.
While the May date is a departure from the traditional fall/October congresses of the past, the 2005 WSAVA/FIAVAC/AMMVEPE Congress promises to live up to the tradition of past meetings for both exceptional continuing education (CE) and lively social events combined with the exceptional surroundings of the host country. The 2005 Congress will take place at the Centro BANAMEX, the most modern Congress and Exhibit Center in Latin America. This year's co-hosts are FIAVAC and AMMVEPE. FIAVAC, or the Iberoamerican Federation of Small Animal Associations, is comprised of associations of small animal veterinarians from Central America, South America, Portugal, and Spain, and includes AMMVEPE as a founding member. It was founded in 2003 and has been the subject of past WSAVA Monthly NEWs articles (see March, 2004). AMMVEPE, or the Mexican Small Animal Veterinary Association, was founded in 1969 by a group of enthusiastic veterinarians dedicated to the practices of small animal veterinary medicine. Since that time, AMMVEPE has been active in promoting CE through monthly CE meetings and having hosted 25 National Congresses to date. In 1998, AMMVEPE was accepted as a WSAVA member.
In making preparations to attend the 2005 Congress, please visit the congress website for further CE and social functions details, as well as registration and lodging information.
Call for Abstracts
The WSAVA, FIAVAC, and AMMVEPE welcome proposals for papers to be presented in the oral and poster presentation component of the 2005 Congress taking place May 11-14 in Mexico City, Mexico. Abstracts relating to research into any aspect of clinical small animal medicine and surgery, including exotics, will be considered. The deadline for submission is November 15, 2004. For more information visit
WSAVA Activities and Committee Reports
In the March, 2004 WSAVA NEWs, a section detailed the support provided by WSAVA to Russian veterinarians in their attempt to overturn a government ban on ketamine, imposed in an effort to avert diversion of this drug into the Russian drug trade. This resulted in an animal welfare issues as there were no other readily available drugs for Russian veterinarians to use in place of ketamine to induce and maintain anesthesia. The lobbying efforts were successful as reported in the following press release obtained via Interfax and dated September 6. "The Russian government has permitted veterinarians to use ketamine (a psychotropic drug used for anesthesia). The administration approved regulations on the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in veterinary medicine last week, head of the department at the Federal Veterinary and Phitosanitary Service, Ivan Rozhdestvensky, told Interfax. He said that the Agricultural Ministry and the health Ministry put ketamine on the list of narcotic and psychotropic drugs permitted in veterinary medicine several months ago, but veterinarians could not use it before its authorization. 'Now the government has set the rules for using, storing, and accounting for the drug' he said."
News from China
In August, 2004, the Chinese Science and Technique Association and the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs granted the request from the Chinese Prologue and Veterinary Medical Association to officially recognize the Chinese Small Animal Medical Association (CSAMA), which has now been designated as the primary organization representing small animal veterinarians in China. Congratulations on this momentous occasion!
WSAVA Member Association Updates
Korean Animal Hospital Association (KAHA)
In the KAHA annual report, a progressive list of CE topics presented to members and non-members alike in their 'Clinical Academy' series was provided and included topics as diverse as exotic animals, customer service and surgical dermatology, clinical pathology, small animal radiology, and feline medicine. Additionally, the KAHA held a full-day summer seminar on the topic of "approaching methods, diagnoses, and treatment of diseases of aging in dogs and cats." KAHA also announced the formation of the Special Committee for AHT Education Program, which will be devoted to developing an academic accreditation system for AHT educational programs.
NEWS From Around the World
Legislation being considered to require veterinarians to disclose the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination
In the state of Maine, USA, a recent case of cancer associated with the administration of a rabies vaccine in a cat, has created a media frenzy that has translated into changes to the state's rabies vaccine requirements and licensing rules and additionally, may result in a new state law that would require veterinarians to disclose vaccine risks to their clients. Changes already implemented include a revision to the vaccine requirements from requiring proof of booster rabies vaccine every 2 years to proof that the vaccine is valid on the day that an owner licenses their pet. This reflects the majority of vaccine manufacturers' recommendations of an every 3 year rabies boosters. The additional legislation being put forward would mandate the receipt of written informed consent that documents a veterinarian has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination with their clients. The Maine Veterinary Medical Association is working with legislators to address the concerns raised without having to resort to additional legislation governing their members.