14.04.2004 | 08:04


More than 220 lectures covering 23 different disciplines over 4 days in an exotic island paradise! Sound too good too be true? Well its not! Come and see for yourself at the 2004 World Congress to be held in Rhodes, Greece between October 6 and 9. The true cultural and scientific diversity of our profession is highlighted by presentations from almost 100 speakers hailing from more than 20 different countries representing every continent but Antarctica.

Some additional highlights include:
• Animal welfare forum on the topic of pain management including lectures by Drs. Roger Clarke, Jill Maddison, Greg Ogilvie, and Pauline Wong with sessions on perioperative pain management for elective procedures, an overview of the benefits/cautions for various analgesics, pain management for the oncology patient, and the anesthetic implications of analgesic protocols.
• Open communication session that will feature abstracts of current and cutting edge veterinary research topics from around the globe. The 'Call for Abstracts' is still open with a submission deadline April 25, 2004 and all submission information is available on the Congress website. Oral and poster presentations relating to research or unique case reports in any aspect of clinical small animal medicine or surgery, including exotics, will be considered.
• Social programmes including the Opening Ceremonies and Welcome reception, a Greek Night, a Gala Dinner, and the Closing Ceremonies.
So what are you waiting for? If you haven't already registered, consider doing so soon to ensure your choice of hotel accommodations. The official congress website can be reached through the Congresses button at the top of this page or at www.hvms.gr/rhodes2004.

WSAVA Member Association Updates
A recent report from AVEACA (Asociacion de Veterinarios Especializados en Animales de Compania de la Argentina) details their activities in 2003, with a principle focus on continuing education. On July 9 and 10, AVEACA held their 3rd National Congress in Buenos Aires, sponsored by Eukanuba Veterinary Diets and Royal Canin, which showcased 22 speakers providing 25 lectures on topics as diverse as toxicology, traumatology, parasitology, neurology, surgery, and physical therapy. There were more than 800 attendees, many of which came from neighboring countries. On September 15 in Buenos Aires, the seventh module of the AVEACA continuing education program featured a presentation on fluid therapy and emergency procedures by Drs. Michael Schaer and Beatriz Martiarena with a total of 461 attendees, including 38 final year veterinary students. This CE programme series is generously sponsored by Hills Pet Nutrition, Bayer, Intervet, and Waltham. Additionally, AVEACA has worked together with the Veterinary College of Pampa to organize a series of meetings throughout the year encompassing a variety of educational topics including ophthalmology, cardiology, and dentistry and the Veterinary College of Comodoro Rivadavia to host CE on oncology.
Also, a special thank you to Dr. Oscar Resburgo, the AVEACA WSAVA representative who volunteers his valuable time to translate the WSAVA Monthly NEWs into Spanish!

NEWS From Around the World
Through ongoing correspondence, The WSAVA and the International Veterinary Student's Association (IVSA) have been discussing collaborative endeavors to raise awareness among their members of the goals and initiatives (many of which are quite similar) of each others association. The IVSA was founded in 1951 and harnesses the enthusiasm and commitment of the global veterinary student body to promote the international application of veterinary skills, education, and knowledge. The IVSA represents over 40,000 veterinary students spanning 6 continents and is active in 55% of the veterinary colleges worldwide and more than 80% of the veterinary schools in Europe. The IVSA is a nonpolitical, not-for-profit association whose official language is English.
Among their various student-specific activities are:
• Organizing student exchange programs
• Holding an international congress and symposia with the 52nd IVSA symposium held in Greece last year
• Producing various publications
• Supporting veterinary education, especially in disadvantaged countries
• Supporting student scientific research work
• Representing the professional interests of veterinary students internationally by liaising with other national and international veterinary medical associations.
For more information or if interested in participating in their student exchange program, visit IVSA at their website (www.ivsa.org).
[Insert attached Figure]
Figure caption: Aminu Shittu, President of the IVSA Local Chapter, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Usmanu Danfodio University in Sokoto, Nigeria provides this photograph of students using the veterinary school's small library collection. Textbook donations to IVSA are also always welcome and distributed to those veterinary colleges in most need.

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