10.07.2009 | 07:07

XIV. International Symposium on Luminescence

13 - 16 July, Prague

Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is my great pleasure to officially announce that the XIVth International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry (ISLS 2010) will be held on July 13 - 16, 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic, organized by the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy.

During the past quarter of century the ISLS conferences have developed into a forum for meeting of scientists involved in all aspects of luminescence spectrometry, from photoluminescence to bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, regarding both basic science and applications in biomedical, pharmaceutical, environmental and food analysis. In the previous Symposium editions all the major highlight topics in the field of luminescence and its application as detection technique have been presented.

The scientific committee and the organizers of the ISLS 2010 aim to prepare a balanced programme with many high grade presentations followed by stimulating discussions, several adjacent events and a state-of-art exhibition. We will also do our best to offer you an attractive social program. We do hope that the social program organized for both delegates and accompanying persons will give everyone ample opportunity to spend their free time in Prague enjoyably.

Prague as a historical city has much to offer, you will find various places which would be worth of visiting because they will give you additional information about the history of the town. Area of more than 8 sq km in the historical centre of Prague is registered as the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. We are sure that you will enjoy visiting places like Prague Castle with Hradčany, Prague Bridges with its famous Charles Bridge, New Town, Vyšehrad, Palace Gardens, Old Town and Jewish Town.

It is my hope that ISLS 2010 conference will contribute toward the recent advances of luminescence techniques in research and modern technology in various fields of applications and that a new collaborations and friendships will be initiated during the meeting. The conference will continue to keep its informal and relaxed environment to promote the exchange of ideas, and will maintain the friendly spirit of ISLS conferences.

On behalf of the Organizers I cordially invite you to participate in the XIVth International Conference on Luminescence Spectrometry in July 2010.

Looking forward to seeing you in Prague.

Prof. Petr Solich
President of the ISLS 2010

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