05.02.2008 | 08:02

16th Annual WEZAM Exotics Conference

Apr. 5-6, 2008 - Madison, WI, USA.

Veterinary Care for Birds, Reptiles and Fish
View this newsletter online: http://www.ivis.org/newsletter/archives/feb08/feb0408wezam.htm
Presented by:
WEZAM Club, Wildlife, Exotic, and Zoo Animal Medicine
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine.

About our Conference:
Since 1991, student members of the WEZAM Club and their faculty advisors have organized and managed the WEZAM spring conference to provide practitioners with current and practical information on the care and treatment of popular avian, reptile, and small mammal pets. CE credit is offered through the UW SVM’s Continuing Education Office.

All profits from the conference support student-learning experiences through WEZAM Club activities.

Speakers include:
Dr. Kat Hatfield, MA, VetMB, MRCVS
Dr. Kendel Harr, DVM, MS, DACVP
Dr. Kurt Sladky, MS, DVM, Dipl. ACZM
Dr. Avery Bennett, DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Gretchen Cole, DVM
Dr. Michelle Davis, DVM

Fish Anesthesia, Venipuncture, and Surgery:
During this wetlab, Dr. Kat Hadfield will instruct participants about anesthesia, diagnostic techniques (skin scrapes, gill biopsy, venipuncture and white blood cell differentials) and treatment techniques (IM/IC injections, orogastric feeding) on live fish. These techniques, along with necropsy techniques will also be done on dead specimens. There will be 1-2 coeliotomies and gonadectomies done during the wetlab.

Advanced Reptile Diagnostic and Surgical Procedures:
This laboratory will be instructed by Dr. Kurt Sladky and will use both live and dead specimens to practice biopsies, external sampling and venipuncture techniques necessary in private practice. Basic anatomy will not be focused on as this is intended as a more advanced lab for the practitioner working frequently with reptile species.

Avian Orthopedic Surgery:
Using chicken cadavers, Dr. Avery Bennett will instruct this laboratory on avian orthopedic surgery emphasizing important anatomy and then going into greater depth on considerations and technique for proper fixation of common avian fractures.

Avian Clinical Pathology:
Using an array of slides and cases, Dr. Kendal Harr will be instructing on clinical pathology and hematology ranging from basic blood morphology to some of the more technical interpretations of comprehensive lab results. Participants will be working in pairs with double-headed microscopes.

CE credit:
Offered by the UW SVM Continuing Education office. 1 credit per lecture hour, 3.6 credits per lab.

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