20.05.2013 | 06:05

EJCAP online: now also available on tablets!

The spring 2013 issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners (EJCAP) is available now

Veterinary CPD on your tablet
This issue comes with a fresh layout and an even more user-friendly navigation of the journal – and can be accessed on your tablet (Android and iPad), wherever you are!
As usual, EJCAP online is packed with interactive and educational CPD from all over Europe. Like the earlier issues, it comes with all the advantages of rich media. Test your knowledge, watch the ‘how to’ videos and refresh your knowledge in a fun way.
There are videos on reptile anaesthesia (Zdenek Knotek), slideshows of ailments in pet chickens (Pete Wedderburn) and downloadable charts for anaesthetic protocols in cardiac patients (Rosi Steinbacher) – to name but a few.
Also in this issue:
-         Uroliths in dogs (Blavier)
-         Evaluation of IMHA treatments (Swann)
-         Liver tumours (Vilkovskiy)
-         Elbow dysplasia (Samoy)
-         Urinary tract pathology (Matise)
Reducing antibiotic use
Responsible use of antibiotics is a hot topic – which is why EJCAP interviewed Ludo Hellebrekers, president of the Dutch Veterinary Association (KNMvD) in this issue’s “Focus on...” column.
In the Netherlands, a 50% reduction of antibiotic use in animals was achieved within 3 years, thanks to a joint initiative of the government, the veterinary profession and the farming industry. How was this managed? Is there also a drop in resistance? How can small animal practitioners contribute? Listen to the interview discussing these and other questions about the so-called “Dutch model”.
Exclusive for FECAVA members
As the official journal of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), EJCAP online is exclusively available to FECAVA members. Registration is easy: interested practitioners should simply go to EJCAP online (www.fecava.org/ejcap) and indicate the national companion animal veterinary association of which they are member to obtain their password.
Russian version
Finally, we’re delighted to announce that, starting this spring, EJCAP online is also available in Russian. Welcome to our Russian colleagues! Or, as they would say: Добро пожаловать!
Notes for Editors
• The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) is the platform to promote the professional development and representation of companion animal veterinarians in Europe. Founded in 1990, it currently has 38 national member associations and 13 associate member associations. FECAVA represents over 30,000 companion animal practitioners throughout Europe.
• Prime partners of EJCAP online include Hill’s Pet Nutrition, MSD Animal Health and Elanco.
• For further information, please contact EJCAP online coordinator Karin de Lange (kdelange@invivo.edu)

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