11.11.2015 | 09:11

European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals (EPRUMA)

On their 10th anniversary, EPRUMA animal health operators launch new guidance document for the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals. Members of the European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals (EPRUMA) celebrate today 10 years of collective action to ensure best practice in animal health.


EPRUMA met representatives from European Commission DG SANTE, European Parliament, representatives from 8 EU Member States, and a wide range of stakeholders from animal health and the food supply chain. The event was hosted by MEP Julie Girling.

EPRUMA met representatives from European Commission DG SANTE, European Parliament, representatives from 8 EU Member States, and a wide range of stakeholders from animal health and the food supply chain. The event was hosted by MEP Julie Girling.

Ms. Girling acknowledged, ‘Responsible use, as promoted by EPRUMA, is based on a holistic approach of minimising disease, and it encompasses enhancing knowledge on disease prevention, animal health and welfare, and husbandry practices’. ‘EPRUMA’s work crystallises a firm commitment from key stakeholders, which I very much welcome, and hope may continue for at least another decade.’ she said.

EPRUMA also presented a new brochure: the ‘Best-practice framework for the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals – Reaching for the next level’. The document combines both a holistic and a specific approach to facilitate optimisation of animal health at farm level. It gives guidance on indoor and free-range production, housing, biosecurity, etc. and it includes a decision tree on the use of veterinary antibiotics in food-producing animals.

EPRUMA Chairman Gwyn Jones emphasised, ‘Veterinary medicines, including antibiotics, need to be used responsibly to maintain their efficacy. All animal health stakeholders are committed to responsible use’. He concluded that antibiotics should be used ‘As little as possible, and as much as necessary’.   

Notes for editors:

EPRUMA is a multi-stakeholder platform linking best practice with animal health and public health. It aims to ensure best practice through responsible use of medicines in the prevention and control of animal diseases.

EPRUMA partners:

  • COPA-COGECA: European Farmers and Agri-Cooperatives
  • EGGVP: European Group for Generic Veterinary Products
  • EISA: European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture
  • EMVD: European Manufacturers of Veterinary Diagnostics
  • FECAVA: Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations
  • FEFAC: European Feed Manufacturers Federation
  • FESASS: European Federation for Animal Health and Sanitary Security
  • FVE: Federation of Veterinarians of Europe
  • IFAH-EUROPE: International Federation for Animal Health-Europe
  • PGEU: Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union

  Associate partners (National Responsible Use platforms):

  • AMCRA: Centre for Expertise on Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance in Animals (Belgium)
  • RUMA: Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (United Kingdom)
  • SDa: Veterinary Medicines Authority (The Netherlands)
  • VETRESPONSABLE:  Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals (Spain)


The EPRUMA ‘Best-practice framework for the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals – Reaching for the next level’ can be downloaded from the EPRUMA website.


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URL: http://www.epruma.eu/publications/brochures.html 


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