29.11.2007 | 09:11

European Veterinary Conference - Voorjaarsdagen

April 24 -26, 2008 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The 2008 Voorjaarsdagen Conference promises three days of high-quality continuing education in a friendly atmosphere. The main theme for this years' programme will be "Let's Get Practical". We take great pride in offering a format to fit the various levels of expertise of our delegates. The Scientific Programme Committee of the EVC Voorjaarsdagen 2008 invites authors to submit scientific abstracts for presentations in the clinical research sessions (Companion Animal or Equine Free Communications, or Poster Presentations). Selected participants will receive a free registration to the general programme. This lecture cycle includes subjects on recent research on any aspect of equine medicine, surgery or reproduction. Both awards will be presented to the winners at the Gala Dinner party.
The deadline for submission is January 1st, 2008.

The Royal Canin Resident and Research Award is an exciting competition for researchers, residents and interns in companion animal medicine. The objective of this award is to stimulate scientific research among young postgraduate veterinarians. You will find extensive information on how to submit your abstract on our website: http://www.voorjaarsdagen.org/

EVC Voorjaarsdagen
Conference Committee
Contact Information:
P.O. Box 74713
1070 BS
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)20-6793411
Fax: +31-(0)20-6737306

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