12.05.2010 | 07:05

Food Factory 2010

June 30th - July 2nd 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden

We are happy to announce that the 5th International Conference on the Food Factory for the Future will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Innovative food processing and sustainable food production for the future, the theme of Food Factory 2010, emphasises important challenges that the food sector will meet in the future to satisfy consumer preference, acceptance and needs and to accomplish a sustainable development.
Over the past years, health & wellness, convenience, social & environmental responsibility and pleasure have been the major drivers of food choice, but they have to be coupled with the basic demands of consumers for food safety, storage stability and value for money. A strong knowledge base, innovative processing and reliable tools are required to effectively transform raw materials into safe and sustainable food products or ingredients able to deliver specific functions.
The conference will focus on four themes:
• Processing for tailored quality
• Sustainable food production
• Smart process control and automation
• Controlling microorganisms
The conference will be an opportunity to share and transfer knowledge amongst food industry and the scientific community, as well as to take part in an active and creative forum for development of new ideas and potential innovations.
June/July is a perfect time to visit Gothenburg and enjoy the long days. Take the opportunity to experience Gothenburg’s Southern and Northern archipelago which consists of dozens of islands and stretches into the sea next to the city’s coastline.

We look forward to seeing you in Gothenburg.
Confirmed plenary speakers: Erich Windhab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; Stefan Palzer and Stefan Kaufmann, Nestlé Research Center; Andrew Fearne, Centre for Value Chain Research, Kent Business School; Magnus Larsson, Arla Foods; Gilles Trystam, ENSIA-AgroParis Tech; Rolf Peter, K-Robotix; Oliver Cerf, Ecole Nationale Véterinaire d'Alfort; Peter McClure, Unilever; Jurgen Lucas, European Commission - DG Research.

Important dates:
•Deadline for poster submissions: April 30th
•Last day for signing sponsor contracts: April 30th
•Deadline for booking pre- reserved hotel rooms at the conference hotel (Hotel 11) to the given price: May 15.

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